Time to get back on track!

This recent bout of illness, whatever it was, has really thrown a wrench in my marathon training. I am a week off and my lung capacity is diminished some because they still contain crud. Also, my energy level and motivation level are both in need of help.

Today I did a slow, short bout of running followed by strength and balance training. I’m glad it was nice enough for me to run outdoors because once I got moving, the coughing started. I would hate to be in the gym hacking on everyone around me! I’m hoping that all the coughing got rid of a bunch of that lung crud so that I can go a little further tomorrow. Then further yet on Monday.

Part of my training has been to learn how to fuel my body most efficiently. I thought I had it figured out for my first marathon, but I obviously did not because I totally hit the wall at about mile 19! I know what I need to do, but want to be able to test it before race day. However, again with the illness, my diet got thrown way out of whack over the past week too. I am sure that has a lot to do with my energy level slump.

When you prepare your training for an endurance event, you prepare as though everything will be hunky-dory throughout the training period. When you are forced to halt your training for whatever reason, you have to spend time revamping your training schedule. I should probably go do that now!

I’ll let you all know how I fare in the coming weeks. In the meantime, if you have any recommendations or would like to share your experiences with training for an endurance event, please do so! How do you fuel your body in preparation of the event? What do you do to maintain your energy level during the event? Have you ever had a hiccup in your training plan; and, if so, what did you do to get back on track?

Off to edit my training schedule for the coming weeks…

Living up to my Claim

I warned you all that I am the worst blogger in the universe. Sadly, it took me coming down with a severe cold to find time to sit here and write a post. The only problem I have is, where do I begin? There is so much to write about, a lot has gone on in my life in the last 7 months, and I have learned a lot of useful information that I would love to share with you all. I have decided to start with an explanation of my absence this time.

Last year was a tough year for us on several levels. My husband lost his father in May, his job in August, and his mother in September. Much of our time for the second half of 2017 was spent traveling and reassessing our near future. It’s no wonder I didn’t have time to sit down to blog about anything.  I haven’t been on social media channels either, so it’s not just the blogosphere I’ve disappeared from.

However, the last year also brought some positive things our way.  We finally sold our house in California, and I started teaching SoulBody classes at our local YMCA. That house had been a thorn in our sides for 9 years, and I’ve been trying to convince the local chapter of the YMCA to consider the classes I had to offer for over 6 months.  Patience and persistence certainly paid off in these efforts.

In reflection of the events of 2017, I have been overwhelmed with emotion.  Sadness and grief for my husband and the loss of his parents, and his job; joy and gratefulness for the sale of that house, and my welcome to the Y; and overall humility in knowing that so many others are going through much harder times than I am, and still coming out stronger and with a more positive attitude than me!  I want to be that latter population.

Today, I am sick in the literal sense.  I have a cold.  I am to the point of a productive cough, but it feels like I have razor blades in my lungs.  I am 5 weeks into training for a marathon and this illness is throwing a wrench into my training plan.  It is also keeping me from performing at my real job and leading group fitness classes at the Y.  However, I am not going to let that get me down.  I will take the time needed to recover from this illness in such a way as to expose as few other people as possible (so they don’t have to suffer through this), and to ensure a complete recovery for myself so that I may get back to work, teaching and training as quickly as possible.  While I am indisposed, I will make good use of my time as best I can by updating my blog and working from home.

Life is what you make of it.  You can choose to focus on the positive, the negative, or realize that we all have equal ups and downs and it all evens out in the end.  Your situation is what you make of it.  I hope you choose what makes you feel best.

Hold me accountable!  Next post will happen within the next 30 days!  I’ve got a lot going on in the coming months.

5 weeks to my first half marathon

Only 5 weeks left until my first Half Marathon (finally)! Today I ran 12+ miles, of which my running buddy CJ was able to finish the last 5 miles with me. He is almost 9, so I only allow him to run with me for up to 10Km. More than that is just too much. And when the weather gets warmer, unfortunate for him, his distance gets much shorter. Today he joined me at mile 7 and we ran for 5 and walked the last half mile.

Not only am I preparing for my first half marathon, but two weeks from today is when I go to get my POUND certification! I’m really excited about this because I really enjoy Pound, and I am looking forward to sharing the fitness phenom with others.

I’ve been asked to teach Pound at my local fitness facility during the month of April. It’s so soon! There’s no way I’m going to be ready to teach a class by April! But I have been working on songs and routines and think I might just be able to come up with something in a month. Playlist is set, now I just need to get the routine set…in my brain…so set that my nerves won’t F*%k it all up when class time rolls around! So I agreed to do it.

Why do I do this to myself? I’ve got a half marathon I’m training for, I’ve got tons of fundraising to accomplish for the Run for the Animals between now and my half marathon, and now I have to learn a Pound routine and have it ready to go by April! And there’s a trip to visit some friends in PA smack-dab in the middle of all of this. Oh, yeah, and I have a full-time job. I do this to myself because it helps to motivate me to get stuff done! Yes, sometimes I get stressed out, but nothing so serious that a beer or three can’t take care of.

Oh, yeah, and I’m still taking classes for my AFAA certification too. But I have until November to get that finished…

We are given this one life. I am trying to make the most of it. For myself and for others. That’s what makes me go. If I don’t get all of it accomplished on my schedule, I hope that I am given enough time to accomplish whatever it is that I am here to do!